I just wanted to right a quick blog to inspire those who may be feeling lost. It also a gentle reminder to myself that I am exactly where I need to be.
If you're anything like me, you have your shit together. You know what you want in life and you work to make it happen. You see results and you know that set backs happen for a reason. For the most part, you feel pretty damn good.
Notice I said "for the most part". There are definitely moments when you feel miserable. You wonder if you're on the right track. You question your potential to achieve your goals. You think that past successes were just coincidences.
If this is you, I really feel for you. I'm in a similar situation now. To be honest, I want to escape. I want to escape this world I'm currently living and find a life where I can live my purpose and be free. A life where I can reach people and talk about things that I'm passionate about without being constrained to a 9-5.
I have been mostly confident in my ability to achieve this. But I have been doubting myself lately. I'm not seeing the results I would like to see. As a result, I have been looking for other careers and I have applied to go back to school. I know, though, that this will not give me that life style. But I hate feeling "stuck" so those efforts seemed necessary.
But then I am reminded of something. Feeling lost or stuck means you are on your way to a transformation. I don't know where I learned this. I feel like it's something I intuitively know.
I think it's the universe's way of challenging you. If you keep working on your dream despite feeling discouraged, lacking motivation, or trusting yourself, the universe will take note.
You need to go through rough patches. You need to be in the dark before you can see the light. It's the way the universe works!
So if you're feeling discouraged, keep moving forward! That is when the magic happens. You have nothing to lose anyways so it's worth the shot.
I hope this blog is inspiring. Feel free to share and subscribe to my blog :)
I'm working this weekend but I should be back Monday or Tuesday with a new one.
Have a great weekend.
Here is a link to my previous blog:
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