You may have heard about "the secret". It's the idea that we can have anything we want in life. How do we do that? Well, it's all about the law attraction. The books and documentaries will tell you that your mind attracts your reality. So if you really want a 100% on your exam tomorrow, all you got to do is visualize yourself getting 100% and it will happen.
Unfortunately this is only part of the truth. The law of attraction is a little deeper than that. You do not attract what you want. Rather, you attract what you are. So if you are negative, judgmental, unappreciative or, in other words, operating at a low frequency, you will attract more of these low frequency situations into your life. So it does not matter how often or how vividly you visualize what you want, you will not attract positive, or high frequency situations, if you are operating at a low frequency.
So then why are your thoughts important? Well, you can certainly attract whatever it is you want once you raise the frequency you are operating at.
Also, your thoughts can affect your frequency. Negative thoughts will lower your frequency while positive thoughts can increase your frequency.
So I'm not saying your thoughts aren't important. They certainly are! But I want you to understand why your wants and wishes may not be coming to fruition.
And I'm sure you are eager to learn how to increase your frequency. You can look forward to that in the next blog! For now I just want to understand how the law of attraction works.
Don't forget to subscribe to my blog to get notified when I upload. I upload every Sunday and Wednesday. I also have a discussion forum attached to my blog. I would love for you to check it out and help me get it going 😃
Here in a link to my previous blog:
Did I Contact The Spirit Realm? Story Time
Here is a link to my discussion forum:
Discussion Forum
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Did I Contact The Spirit Realm? | Story Time
I don't really know the point of this post. It's not really informative or inspirational (at least, I don't think?). But it is a story of a cool experience that happened to me a couple of weeks ago.
I'll start off by saying that I have been really intrigued by the idea of the "paranormal" or spirit realm. Not because I find it scary but because it's a very spiritual thing to me. I don't know if I believe that angry spirits linger on Earth. However, I do believe that everything and everyone is energy and that energy never dies. I also believe in spirit guides, signs, and omens.
So I have been mediating on this a lot while telling the Universe that I open to receiving guidance and assistance from the spirit realm. I am interested in learning more about the "paranormal".
Anyways, one evening not too long ago I was home alone and I really wanted to have some sort of sign that the spirit world exists in some form.
I noticed a dead moth that had been on my floor for a day or so which gave me an idea. I put all of attention on that moth and I said aloud "I am open to connecting with the spirit realm. If there are any spirit guides here, let me know by bringing life to that moth".
As soon as I said that, the moth fluttered. It came up off the floor a little bit for a short amount of time until it fell back to the floor.
I thought this experience was super cool. I am also aware that it could be a coincidence and I respect anyone who thinks that.
What are your thoughts on this? Was a spirit trying to communicate with me? Or did I somehow use the power of my mind to bring life (albeit temporary) to the moth? Or was it all a coincidence?
I am learning too so I would love for you to comment what you think. I just ask everyone to respect one another 😄
Don't forget to subscribe to my blog for more inspiration, self-growth, and spirituality... and the occasional fun story time 😜
Here is a link to my previous blog:
How To Let Go Of Control
Here is a link to my discussion forum:
Discussion Forum
Here is a link to my last Story Time blog:
My First Encounter With The "Paranormal" | Story Time
I'll start off by saying that I have been really intrigued by the idea of the "paranormal" or spirit realm. Not because I find it scary but because it's a very spiritual thing to me. I don't know if I believe that angry spirits linger on Earth. However, I do believe that everything and everyone is energy and that energy never dies. I also believe in spirit guides, signs, and omens.
So I have been mediating on this a lot while telling the Universe that I open to receiving guidance and assistance from the spirit realm. I am interested in learning more about the "paranormal".
Anyways, one evening not too long ago I was home alone and I really wanted to have some sort of sign that the spirit world exists in some form.
I noticed a dead moth that had been on my floor for a day or so which gave me an idea. I put all of attention on that moth and I said aloud "I am open to connecting with the spirit realm. If there are any spirit guides here, let me know by bringing life to that moth".
As soon as I said that, the moth fluttered. It came up off the floor a little bit for a short amount of time until it fell back to the floor.
I thought this experience was super cool. I am also aware that it could be a coincidence and I respect anyone who thinks that.
What are your thoughts on this? Was a spirit trying to communicate with me? Or did I somehow use the power of my mind to bring life (albeit temporary) to the moth? Or was it all a coincidence?
I am learning too so I would love for you to comment what you think. I just ask everyone to respect one another 😄
Don't forget to subscribe to my blog for more inspiration, self-growth, and spirituality... and the occasional fun story time 😜
Here is a link to my previous blog:
How To Let Go Of Control
Here is a link to my discussion forum:
Discussion Forum
Here is a link to my last Story Time blog:
My First Encounter With The "Paranormal" | Story Time
Sunday, 22 October 2017
How To Let Go Of Control
I get it. You had a bad day yesterday and you said some things to your partner that you really regret. Or maybe you're financial situation isn't great and you're wondering if you will get a call for that job interview. Either way, you are constantly living in the past or the future.
Most people are like this and that's perfectly natural. Actually, it can be beneficial! Thinking about the past can help us learn while thinking about the future can help us prepare. The problem is when we are living more in the past or the future and less in the present moment.
The reality is that we are going to make mistakes and there is always an element of uncertainty with regards to the future. That is life. But if you want to really live and enjoy life, you need to let go and enjoy the ride.
I'm telling you to let go as if it's that simple. It takes a lot of work. Fortunately, I have some tips that might be useful.
1. Bring yourself back to the present moment
When you find yourself thinking about the past or future, come to the present moment. You can do this by consciously putting all your attention on what you are doing; you can close your eyes and listen to your breath; you can also try really observing your surroundings.
If you make this a daily practice, it will eventually become second nature. You will find yourself living more and more in the present moment each day.
2. What you're worried about is not the end of the world
When we are anxious about the future, it's probably because we are in resistance to a potential outcome. But 95% (if not more) of what we worry about never actually happen. Also, would such an outcome really be that awful? You're not going to die if you fail a test and your life will go on if you do not get the job.
3. Find a hobby
Better yet, find a passion. Something that you can put 100% of your time and energy in. This will help you get your mind out of the past and future and into the now.
4. The Universe works in your favor when you allow
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you are worried, anxious and uncomfortable about the unknown, you will attract more of this into your life. Tell the Universe that you allow whatever might be and that you are competent enough to handle any outcome thrown your way. If you can do this, you will find you are attracting more positivity in your life. And when "bad" things happen, you will handle them with grace. Not only that, you will be able to see these negative situations as a learning opportunity or as "meant to be".
5. Follow a spiritual path
What's spiritual for me may be different than what's spiritual for you. And I'm certainly not trying to be pushy. But a huge part of spirituality is learning to be mindful, accepting and in the present moment. It has really helped me learn to let go of my need to be in control. I feel less anxious and happier.
You can start by reading a book or watching a documentary on spirituality or trying out yoga or breathing techniques. It can be as fast or as slow of a progress as you like. Either way, I guarantee you will reap benefits.
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to subscribe you receive notifications when I upload. And check out the discussion forum I have created!
Here is a link to the discussion forum:
Discussion Forum
Here is a link to my previous blog post:
How To Get The Body Of Your Dreams | Feature The Law Of Attraction
Most people are like this and that's perfectly natural. Actually, it can be beneficial! Thinking about the past can help us learn while thinking about the future can help us prepare. The problem is when we are living more in the past or the future and less in the present moment.
The reality is that we are going to make mistakes and there is always an element of uncertainty with regards to the future. That is life. But if you want to really live and enjoy life, you need to let go and enjoy the ride.
I'm telling you to let go as if it's that simple. It takes a lot of work. Fortunately, I have some tips that might be useful.
1. Bring yourself back to the present moment
When you find yourself thinking about the past or future, come to the present moment. You can do this by consciously putting all your attention on what you are doing; you can close your eyes and listen to your breath; you can also try really observing your surroundings.
If you make this a daily practice, it will eventually become second nature. You will find yourself living more and more in the present moment each day.
2. What you're worried about is not the end of the world
When we are anxious about the future, it's probably because we are in resistance to a potential outcome. But 95% (if not more) of what we worry about never actually happen. Also, would such an outcome really be that awful? You're not going to die if you fail a test and your life will go on if you do not get the job.
3. Find a hobby
Better yet, find a passion. Something that you can put 100% of your time and energy in. This will help you get your mind out of the past and future and into the now.
4. The Universe works in your favor when you allow
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you are worried, anxious and uncomfortable about the unknown, you will attract more of this into your life. Tell the Universe that you allow whatever might be and that you are competent enough to handle any outcome thrown your way. If you can do this, you will find you are attracting more positivity in your life. And when "bad" things happen, you will handle them with grace. Not only that, you will be able to see these negative situations as a learning opportunity or as "meant to be".
5. Follow a spiritual path
What's spiritual for me may be different than what's spiritual for you. And I'm certainly not trying to be pushy. But a huge part of spirituality is learning to be mindful, accepting and in the present moment. It has really helped me learn to let go of my need to be in control. I feel less anxious and happier.
You can start by reading a book or watching a documentary on spirituality or trying out yoga or breathing techniques. It can be as fast or as slow of a progress as you like. Either way, I guarantee you will reap benefits.
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to subscribe you receive notifications when I upload. And check out the discussion forum I have created!
Here is a link to the discussion forum:
Discussion Forum
Here is a link to my previous blog post:
How To Get The Body Of Your Dreams | Feature The Law Of Attraction
Friday, 13 October 2017
Check Out My Discussion Forum!
Hi guys!
I have added a discussion forum to my blog! It's going to be about Spirituality and becoming the best version of you.
I want to create a community where we can share, inspire and help one another along our spiritual practice.
I would mean so much for you check it out and leave a few comments and replies.
You can also subscribe to my blog to receive notifications when I upload. I upload new blogs every Sunday and Wednesday.
I look forward to our discussions!
I have added a discussion forum to my blog! It's going to be about Spirituality and becoming the best version of you.
I want to create a community where we can share, inspire and help one another along our spiritual practice.
I would mean so much for you check it out and leave a few comments and replies.
You can also subscribe to my blog to receive notifications when I upload. I upload new blogs every Sunday and Wednesday.
I look forward to our discussions!
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
How To Get The Body Of Your Dreams | Featuring The Law Of Attraction
Alas, I have made another connection.
I hate my body. I have never actually said that, but I might as well have.
I look at my stomach multiple times a day to see if I look slimmer or bigger. If I have belly bloat, I feel disappointed in myself.
I frequently check my complexion. If I do not like what I see, I will restrict my diet even further in hopes of clearing my skin.
I eat healthy; I eat less; I workout more; I workout harder; I have spent so much money on teeth whitening products, face creams, hair serums and so, so much more.
And there is nothing wrong with doing any of these things. That is... depending on why you do them.
I pick out things I dislike about my body and put an effort into changing it. So as an example, I'm not necessarily eating healthy because I'm being kind to my body. I'm doing it because I want to look better.
Make no wonder why I haven't been seeing results!
I believe in the law of attraction. I use it my advantage every single day.
But you do not attract what you want... you attract what you are.
So if I have low self-esteem, no amount of healthy foods and exercise will change my body.
So, I have started loving myself. Even if I don't feel genuine, I tell myself that I love my body anyways. I now aim to eat well and exercise because I only have one body and I want to take care of it. My practice has shifted from deprivation to an act of self love.
And I feel so much better. It's like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I feel like I don't have to try so hard.
Be kind and patient with yourself.
If you're having difficulty beginning, realize that the body you have is what's giving you life. You would be actually dead without it. Tell yourself that you love your body and you are grateful for it. Make this a daily practice, especially when you feel low. Even if it feels like a lie.
Then watch the magic happen as the law of attraction allows you to manifest your dreams!
Here is a link to my previous blog:
My First Encounter With The "Paranormal" | Story Time
More on the law of attraction:
How I Get Over A Bad Day | Featuring The Law Of Attraction
I hate my body. I have never actually said that, but I might as well have.
I look at my stomach multiple times a day to see if I look slimmer or bigger. If I have belly bloat, I feel disappointed in myself.
I frequently check my complexion. If I do not like what I see, I will restrict my diet even further in hopes of clearing my skin.
I eat healthy; I eat less; I workout more; I workout harder; I have spent so much money on teeth whitening products, face creams, hair serums and so, so much more.
And there is nothing wrong with doing any of these things. That is... depending on why you do them.
I pick out things I dislike about my body and put an effort into changing it. So as an example, I'm not necessarily eating healthy because I'm being kind to my body. I'm doing it because I want to look better.
Make no wonder why I haven't been seeing results!
I believe in the law of attraction. I use it my advantage every single day.
But you do not attract what you want... you attract what you are.
So if I have low self-esteem, no amount of healthy foods and exercise will change my body.
So, I have started loving myself. Even if I don't feel genuine, I tell myself that I love my body anyways. I now aim to eat well and exercise because I only have one body and I want to take care of it. My practice has shifted from deprivation to an act of self love.
And I feel so much better. It's like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I feel like I don't have to try so hard.
Be kind and patient with yourself.
If you're having difficulty beginning, realize that the body you have is what's giving you life. You would be actually dead without it. Tell yourself that you love your body and you are grateful for it. Make this a daily practice, especially when you feel low. Even if it feels like a lie.
Then watch the magic happen as the law of attraction allows you to manifest your dreams!
Here is a link to my previous blog:
My First Encounter With The "Paranormal" | Story Time
More on the law of attraction:
How I Get Over A Bad Day | Featuring The Law Of Attraction
Sunday, 8 October 2017
My First Encounter With The "Paranormal" | Story Time
I'm a little late but happy October!
I have been MIA again. I'm horrible, I know. I have been thinking about it and I am going to go back to my original uploading schedule which is on Sunday and Wednesday. Having a schedule is the only way I can upload consistently, apparently.
Also, if you haven't noticed, I am trying to get a discussion forum up and running on this blog. You can expect to see everything from minimalism and diet to chakras and psychics. There are a few kinks to work out but when it's working, I'll let you know. And because of which, my blog is under construction.
I decided to do something a little different for this blog. I have been watching a lot of story times on YouTube. In particular, stories of people's experiences with the unknown. And since it's October, I figured why not! I am going to share one of my experiences with you. Enjoy!
It was summer 2008 and I worked my first summer job as (more or less) an assistant secretary. The building had 3 adjoining and separate businesses. I worked in the middle one. The office was small. I worked at the front desk and there were 4 rooms off of the front desk. Two rooms were other offices and there was a lunch room and a bathroom.
There were two other women who worked there full time. They spent a lot of time out at meetings and visiting clients so I was left alone quite frequently.
One day I was there alone and I heard the sound of papers rustling in one of the offices. I never thought too much of it until I remembered that I was there alone. I went to investigate but I did not find anything. I wasn't too alarmed by this though. There are always new sounds in places that you are not familiar with. It could have been a draft of wind or a mouse. I went on about my business. I did hear this quite a bit in the 6 weeks that I worked there.
Anyways, I was having lunch with the women who worked there. We will call them Sarah and Catherine. I don't remember how we got on the topic, but I said that I have been hearing strange noises when I'm there alone. Sarah became intrigued and asked me what kind of noises so I told her my experiences. She then told me that strange things have happened to her at this office. Obviously I had to know more so Sarah told me some stories. There is only one story that I can remember accurately so that is the one that I will share:
Sarah told me that was at the office one night by herself as she sometimes does. At one point, She went to the bathroom and when she came out, the chair in Catherine's office was out in the doorway. She told me that she was there alone and she wasn't in any other room besides her office and the bathroom. There was no way for the chair to have moved from the desk to the doorway. Needless to say she got the hell of there real fast.
On a side note, it's interesting that the noises that I heard was coming from Catherine's office too.
From then on I would feel very freaked out when I was there by myself. But nothing out of the ordinary happened. Nothing that couldn't be explained away.
Fast forward to my last day on the job. It was late in the day and I was preparing to go. I took the key to the building off my key chain. I was soon about to bring it to Catherine's sister who worked at one of the next door businesses. I am an incredibly nervous person so I kept the key near me to ensure I wouldn't misplace it. It might seem irrelevant, but keep this detail in mind.
I must have been feeling brave that day because I wanted to have a paranormal experience. Nothing super terrifying. But I was curious and I wanted to know if there was something there. I can't remember if I said to myself or aloud that I wanted to have an experience. But I wanted whatever was there to connect with me somehow.
I took out my cell phone (a flip phone razor 😆) and I started to take pictures. I done this with the hopes of capturing something on my phone. (A real ghost hunter, I am). When I pointed my phone to the lunchroom, I went into a trance. It just felt like I was daydreaming (which is what I thought I was doing) so it wasn't startling. Then, before I came out my trance, a thought was planted into my head which said "the key is gone". It was so strange. It was like before I knew my key was gone, I knew my key was gone and I had to look for it. I shook myself out of this trance and I instantly began to look for my key. It was not in my hands, it was not on my desk, it was not in my purse, it was not in my pockets and I checked all over the floor. It was gone. I even went to the bathroom, took off every piece of clothes and felt it wondering if there was a hole in the seams of my pockets and the key fell into it. Nothing. It was such a bizarre experience.
I was suppose to drop off the key to Catherine's sister who worked in the business next door. She would give the key to Catherine or Sarah when they got back from their meeting.
What was I suppose to tell her? The key vanished into thin air? I didn't tell her all of the story but I did tell he the key disappeared and I had no idea where it went or how it happened. Her reaction was priceless. She was totally nonchalant about it and she told me that things like that happen there all of time and that it would show up eventually.
She was totally right about that. About a week later I came home from school and saw a key laid on top of the banister at my house. It was the key that went missing. I asked my mom where it came from and she told me she found it at the bottom of the laundry basket. I believe that the clothes I wore that day at work were in the basket, but my key was definitely not in any of my pockets. Crazy.
Stories like this scared me a lot when I was younger. Now that I am older and I embrace Spirituality, I realize that having encounters with the "unknown" is a natural part of life. The further I progress in my Spiritual practice, the more experiences I have.
I also want to point out that people who have such experiences often intuitively know when it's something that has a logical explanation versus one that cannot be logically explained. A few people told me that I must have overlooked the key and that I was overthinking the situation. At the time, I was insulted. So if someone confides in you, try to hear them out. With that being said, I understand that these things can make people uncomfortable. So be careful who you share your experiences with 😉.
If you have a story you want to share or you are looking for some advice, hit me up! My email should be in my profile or you can comment below.
Let you know if you want to hear more stories like this. Like this blog and leave a comment. It's so appreciated.
I have been MIA again. I'm horrible, I know. I have been thinking about it and I am going to go back to my original uploading schedule which is on Sunday and Wednesday. Having a schedule is the only way I can upload consistently, apparently.
Also, if you haven't noticed, I am trying to get a discussion forum up and running on this blog. You can expect to see everything from minimalism and diet to chakras and psychics. There are a few kinks to work out but when it's working, I'll let you know. And because of which, my blog is under construction.
I decided to do something a little different for this blog. I have been watching a lot of story times on YouTube. In particular, stories of people's experiences with the unknown. And since it's October, I figured why not! I am going to share one of my experiences with you. Enjoy!
It was summer 2008 and I worked my first summer job as (more or less) an assistant secretary. The building had 3 adjoining and separate businesses. I worked in the middle one. The office was small. I worked at the front desk and there were 4 rooms off of the front desk. Two rooms were other offices and there was a lunch room and a bathroom.
There were two other women who worked there full time. They spent a lot of time out at meetings and visiting clients so I was left alone quite frequently.
One day I was there alone and I heard the sound of papers rustling in one of the offices. I never thought too much of it until I remembered that I was there alone. I went to investigate but I did not find anything. I wasn't too alarmed by this though. There are always new sounds in places that you are not familiar with. It could have been a draft of wind or a mouse. I went on about my business. I did hear this quite a bit in the 6 weeks that I worked there.
Anyways, I was having lunch with the women who worked there. We will call them Sarah and Catherine. I don't remember how we got on the topic, but I said that I have been hearing strange noises when I'm there alone. Sarah became intrigued and asked me what kind of noises so I told her my experiences. She then told me that strange things have happened to her at this office. Obviously I had to know more so Sarah told me some stories. There is only one story that I can remember accurately so that is the one that I will share:
Sarah told me that was at the office one night by herself as she sometimes does. At one point, She went to the bathroom and when she came out, the chair in Catherine's office was out in the doorway. She told me that she was there alone and she wasn't in any other room besides her office and the bathroom. There was no way for the chair to have moved from the desk to the doorway. Needless to say she got the hell of there real fast.
On a side note, it's interesting that the noises that I heard was coming from Catherine's office too.
From then on I would feel very freaked out when I was there by myself. But nothing out of the ordinary happened. Nothing that couldn't be explained away.
Fast forward to my last day on the job. It was late in the day and I was preparing to go. I took the key to the building off my key chain. I was soon about to bring it to Catherine's sister who worked at one of the next door businesses. I am an incredibly nervous person so I kept the key near me to ensure I wouldn't misplace it. It might seem irrelevant, but keep this detail in mind.
I must have been feeling brave that day because I wanted to have a paranormal experience. Nothing super terrifying. But I was curious and I wanted to know if there was something there. I can't remember if I said to myself or aloud that I wanted to have an experience. But I wanted whatever was there to connect with me somehow.
I took out my cell phone (a flip phone razor 😆) and I started to take pictures. I done this with the hopes of capturing something on my phone. (A real ghost hunter, I am). When I pointed my phone to the lunchroom, I went into a trance. It just felt like I was daydreaming (which is what I thought I was doing) so it wasn't startling. Then, before I came out my trance, a thought was planted into my head which said "the key is gone". It was so strange. It was like before I knew my key was gone, I knew my key was gone and I had to look for it. I shook myself out of this trance and I instantly began to look for my key. It was not in my hands, it was not on my desk, it was not in my purse, it was not in my pockets and I checked all over the floor. It was gone. I even went to the bathroom, took off every piece of clothes and felt it wondering if there was a hole in the seams of my pockets and the key fell into it. Nothing. It was such a bizarre experience.
I was suppose to drop off the key to Catherine's sister who worked in the business next door. She would give the key to Catherine or Sarah when they got back from their meeting.
What was I suppose to tell her? The key vanished into thin air? I didn't tell her all of the story but I did tell he the key disappeared and I had no idea where it went or how it happened. Her reaction was priceless. She was totally nonchalant about it and she told me that things like that happen there all of time and that it would show up eventually.
She was totally right about that. About a week later I came home from school and saw a key laid on top of the banister at my house. It was the key that went missing. I asked my mom where it came from and she told me she found it at the bottom of the laundry basket. I believe that the clothes I wore that day at work were in the basket, but my key was definitely not in any of my pockets. Crazy.
Stories like this scared me a lot when I was younger. Now that I am older and I embrace Spirituality, I realize that having encounters with the "unknown" is a natural part of life. The further I progress in my Spiritual practice, the more experiences I have.
I also want to point out that people who have such experiences often intuitively know when it's something that has a logical explanation versus one that cannot be logically explained. A few people told me that I must have overlooked the key and that I was overthinking the situation. At the time, I was insulted. So if someone confides in you, try to hear them out. With that being said, I understand that these things can make people uncomfortable. So be careful who you share your experiences with 😉.
If you have a story you want to share or you are looking for some advice, hit me up! My email should be in my profile or you can comment below.
Let you know if you want to hear more stories like this. Like this blog and leave a comment. It's so appreciated.
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