
Saturday, 24 June 2017

The Best Life Hack You Must Know!

I'm a banana addict. It's a weird thing to be addicted to but they are tasty, quick to prepare, and very good for you. I go through at least 3 bananas every day so they are always on my grocery list.

I don't know about anyone else, but grocery stores around here usually only carry bananas when they are completely green. Because of this, I usually have the wait sometime before I can eat the bananas meaning I go a week and often more without them. Boo.

The good news is that I stumbled on a way to ripen them within a couple days. I put greens bananas in my pantry one time (which I don't usually do) and I noticed they ripened really fast. So naturally, that's where I kept putting them. However, this "trick" only seemed to the work once. The one's I put in the pantry after that took weeks to ripen.

I figured out what it was. Bananas will ripen really quick if you put them in a pantry with at least 1 other very ripe banana. And viola! Ripe bananas within days. You are welcome.

Enjoy your bananas :)


Not my bananas. Just a picture I found on google. Who knows. Maybe one day I'll get into photography.

P.S. My uploading is schedule is usually Wednesday and Friday. I'm a day late today as I was busy and sick yesterday. Ce la vie. I'll try better next week. :)

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