
Wednesday, 1 November 2017

How To Increase Your Frequency

Hey guys. I hope this blog finds you well. Today I am writing about how to raise your vibrational frequency. If you are unsure what this means or why you should raise your frequency, you should check out my previous blog. The link will be at the end of this post.

1. Eat a healthy diet

I'm not going to tell you how and what to eat. But I will tell you that raw fruits and vegetables have the highest frequency. This is because they are unprocessed and in their most natural state. Processed foods are man made and therefore will be operating at a low frequency. At least try to incorporate more cooked and raw fruits and veggies.

2. Accept the negative happenings in your life

Your life will turn around if you can see these happenings as blessings and lessons. Life is not always going to be easy and we need to learn to not be in resistant to "negative" situations. Allow them and accept them. Learn from them and be thankful from them.

This will help raise your frequency because you are living with less stress and more with purpose and gratitude.

3. Practice self love

We all know how horrible it is to hate another person. Why is hating yourself any different? Hate is such a negative feeling and it will lower your frequency. Learn to love yourself. There are so many ways to do that. I can write a whole other blog on this. But you can start small. Say you love yourself, run a hot bath, go get a massage. These actions will increase your vibration in know time.

4. Beware who you spend your time with

Do you find yourself feeling drained after you hang out with negative, judgmental or ungrateful people? Negativity is toxic and it can rub off on you if you aren't careful. Figure out who these people are in your life and minimize your time spent with them.

5. Does your job make you happy

Feeling happy and fulfilled is one of the best ways to raise your frequency. In this day in age, we spend more time at work than we do at home. Make sure you are happy there and living with a sense of purpose. If not, consider finding work elsewhere.

6. Be grateful

Showing gratitude is a simple and effective way to raise your frequency. Say thank you someone, even if the deed was minor. Thank God, or the Universe or yourself for waking up this morning. At the end of the day, write down things that happened that day you are grateful for.

7. Show an act of kindness

This one is similar to the last point. It doesn't have to be major. Maybe you hold the door open for someone, maybe you pack a lunch for your partner. Be kind and your frequency will change for the better.

8. Trust yourself

If you are operating at a low frequency, it's going to take some time to turn this around. And it may be impossible for us to operate at a 100% high frequency 100% of the time. We are human and we are going to have days were don't feel so well or find ourselves around people who may temporarily bring us down. Don't worry about being a perfectionist. Just aim to increase your ratio to have more high vibrational experiences in your life. Eventually, you will find the ratio getting bigger and bigger as you are attracting more and more high vibrational happenings in your life.

Here is a link to my previous blog:
The Truth About The Law Of Attraction | You Do Not Attract What You Want

Interested in spiritual discussions? Check out the link to take you to my discussion forum:
Discussion Forum

Sunday, 29 October 2017

The Truth About The Law Of Attraction | You Do Not Attract What You Want...

You may have heard about "the secret". It's the idea that we can have anything we want in life. How do we do that? Well, it's all about the law attraction. The books and documentaries will tell you that your mind attracts your reality. So if you really want a 100% on your exam tomorrow, all you got to do is visualize yourself getting 100% and it will happen.

Unfortunately this is only part of the truth. The law of attraction is a little deeper than that. You do not attract what you want. Rather, you attract what you are. So if you are negative, judgmental, unappreciative or, in other words, operating at a low frequency, you will attract more of these low frequency situations into your life. So it does not matter how often or how vividly you visualize what you want, you will not attract positive, or high frequency situations, if you are operating at a low frequency.

So then why are your thoughts important? Well, you can certainly attract whatever it is you want once you raise the frequency you are operating at.

Also, your thoughts can affect your frequency. Negative thoughts will lower your frequency while positive thoughts can increase your frequency.

So I'm not saying your thoughts aren't important. They certainly are! But I want you to understand why your wants and wishes may not be coming to fruition.

And I'm sure you are eager to learn how to increase your frequency. You can look forward to that in the next blog! For now I just want to understand how the law of attraction works.

Don't forget to subscribe to my blog to get notified when I upload. I upload every Sunday and Wednesday. I also have a discussion forum attached to my blog. I would love for you to check it out and help me get it going 😃

Here in a link to my previous blog:

Did I Contact The Spirit Realm? Story Time

Here is a link to my discussion forum:

Discussion Forum

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Did I Contact The Spirit Realm? | Story Time

I don't really know the point of this post. It's not really informative or inspirational (at least, I don't think?). But it is a story of a cool experience that happened to me a couple of weeks ago.

I'll start off by saying that I have been really intrigued by the idea of the "paranormal" or spirit realm. Not because I find it scary but because it's a very spiritual thing to me. I don't know if I believe that angry spirits linger on Earth. However, I do believe that everything and everyone is energy and that energy never dies. I also believe in spirit guides, signs, and omens.

So I have been mediating on this a lot while telling the Universe that I open to receiving guidance and assistance from the spirit realm. I am interested in learning more about the "paranormal".

Anyways, one evening not too long ago I was home alone and I really wanted to have some sort of sign that the spirit world exists in some form.

I noticed a dead moth that had been on my floor for a day or so which gave me an idea. I put all of attention on that moth and I said aloud "I am open to connecting with the spirit realm. If there are any spirit guides here, let me know by bringing life to that moth".

As soon as I said that, the moth fluttered. It came up off the floor a little bit for a short amount of time until it fell back to the floor.

I thought this experience was super cool. I am also aware that it could be a coincidence and I respect anyone who thinks that.

What are your thoughts on this? Was a spirit trying to communicate with me? Or did I somehow use the power of my mind to bring life (albeit temporary) to the moth? Or was it all a coincidence?

I am learning too so I would love for you to comment what you think. I just ask everyone to respect one another 😄

Don't forget to subscribe to my blog for more inspiration, self-growth, and spirituality... and the occasional fun story time 😜

Here is a link to my previous blog:
How To Let Go Of Control

Here is a link to my discussion forum:
Discussion Forum

Here is a link to my last Story Time blog:
My First Encounter With The "Paranormal" | Story Time

Sunday, 22 October 2017

How To Let Go Of Control

I get it. You had a bad day yesterday and you said some things to your partner that you really regret. Or maybe you're financial situation isn't great and you're wondering if you will get a call for that job interview. Either way, you are constantly living in the past or the future.

Most people are like this and that's perfectly natural. Actually, it can be beneficial! Thinking about the past can help us learn while thinking about the future can help us prepare. The problem is when we are living more in the past or the future and less in the present moment.

The reality is that we are going to make mistakes and there is always an element of uncertainty with regards to the future. That is life. But if you want to really live and enjoy life, you need to let go and enjoy the ride.

I'm telling you to let go as if it's that simple. It takes a lot of work. Fortunately, I have some tips that might be useful.

1. Bring yourself back to the present moment

When you find yourself thinking about the past or future, come to the present moment. You can do this by consciously putting all your attention on what you are doing; you can close your eyes and listen to your breath; you can also try really observing your surroundings.

If you make this a daily practice, it will eventually become second nature. You will find yourself living more and more in the present moment each day.

2. What you're worried about is not the end of the world

When we are anxious about the future, it's probably because we are in resistance to a potential outcome. But 95% (if not more) of what we worry about never actually happen. Also, would such an outcome really be that awful? You're not going to die if you fail a test and your life will go on if you do not get the job.

3. Find a hobby

Better yet, find a passion. Something that you can put 100% of your time and energy in. This will help you get your mind out of the past and future and into the now.

4. The Universe works in your favor when you allow

You attract what you are, not what you want. If you are worried, anxious and uncomfortable about the unknown, you will attract more of this into your life. Tell the Universe that you allow whatever might be and that you are competent enough to handle any outcome thrown your way. If you can do this, you will find you are attracting more positivity in your life. And when "bad" things happen, you will handle them with grace. Not only that, you will be able to see these negative situations as a learning opportunity or as "meant to be".

5. Follow a spiritual path

What's spiritual for me may be different than what's spiritual for you. And I'm certainly not trying to be pushy. But a huge part of spirituality is learning to be mindful, accepting and in the present moment. It has really helped me learn to let go of my need to be in control. I feel less anxious and happier.

You can start by reading a book or watching a documentary on spirituality or trying out yoga or breathing techniques. It can be as fast or as slow of a progress as you like. Either way, I guarantee you will reap benefits.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to subscribe you receive notifications when I upload. And check out the discussion forum I have created!

Here is a link to the discussion forum:
Discussion Forum

Here is a link to my previous blog post:
How To Get The Body Of Your Dreams | Feature The Law Of Attraction

Friday, 13 October 2017

Check Out My Discussion Forum!

Hi guys!

I have added a discussion forum to my blog! It's going to be about Spirituality and becoming the best version of you.

I want to create a community where we can share, inspire and help one another along our spiritual practice.

I would mean so much for you check it out and leave a few comments and replies.

You can also subscribe to my blog to receive notifications when I upload. I upload new blogs every Sunday and Wednesday.

I look forward to our discussions!


Wednesday, 11 October 2017

How To Get The Body Of Your Dreams | Featuring The Law Of Attraction

Alas, I have made another connection.

I hate my body. I have never actually said that, but I might as well have.

I look at my stomach multiple times a day to see if I look slimmer or bigger. If I have belly bloat, I feel disappointed in myself.

I frequently check my complexion. If I do not like what I see, I will restrict my diet even further in hopes of clearing my skin.

I eat healthy; I eat less; I workout more; I workout harder; I have spent so much money on teeth whitening products, face creams, hair serums and so, so much more.

And there is nothing wrong with doing any of these things. That is... depending on why you do them.

I pick out things I dislike about my body and put an effort into changing it. So as an example, I'm not necessarily eating healthy because I'm being kind to my body. I'm doing it because I want to look better.

Make no wonder why I haven't been seeing results!

I believe in the law of attraction. I use it my advantage every single day.

But you do not attract what you want... you attract what you are.

So if I have low self-esteem, no amount of healthy foods and exercise will change my body.

So, I have started loving myself. Even if I don't feel genuine, I tell myself that I love my body anyways. I now aim to eat well and exercise because I only have one body and I want to take care of it. My practice has shifted from deprivation to an act of self love.

And I feel so much better. It's like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I feel like I don't have to try so hard.

Be kind and patient with yourself.

If you're having difficulty beginning, realize that the body you have is what's giving you life. You would be actually dead without it. Tell yourself that you love your body and you are grateful for it. Make this a daily practice, especially when you feel low. Even if it feels like a lie.

Then watch the magic happen as the law of attraction allows you to manifest your dreams!

Here is a link to my previous blog:
My First Encounter With The "Paranormal" | Story Time

More on the law of attraction:
How I Get Over A Bad Day | Featuring The Law Of Attraction

Sunday, 8 October 2017

My First Encounter With The "Paranormal" | Story Time

I'm a little late but happy October!

I have been MIA again. I'm horrible, I know. I have been thinking about it and I am going to go back to my original uploading schedule which is on Sunday and Wednesday. Having a schedule is the only way I can upload consistently, apparently.

Also, if you haven't noticed, I am trying to get a discussion forum up and running on this blog. You can expect to see everything from minimalism and diet to chakras and psychics. There are a few kinks to work out but when it's working, I'll let you know. And because of which, my blog is under construction.

I decided to do something a little different for this blog. I have been watching a lot of story times on YouTube. In particular, stories of people's experiences with the unknown. And since it's October, I figured why not! I am going to share one of my experiences with you. Enjoy!


It was summer 2008 and I worked my first summer job as (more or less) an assistant secretary. The building had 3 adjoining and separate businesses. I worked in the middle one. The office was small. I worked at the front desk and there were 4 rooms off of the front desk. Two rooms were other offices and there was a lunch room and a bathroom.

There were two other women who worked there full time. They spent a lot of time out at meetings and visiting clients so I was left alone quite frequently.

One day I was there alone and I heard the sound of papers rustling in one of the offices. I never thought too much of it until I remembered that I was there alone. I went to investigate but I did not find anything. I wasn't too alarmed by this though. There are always new sounds in places that you are not familiar with. It could have been a draft of wind or a mouse. I went on about my business. I did hear this quite a bit in the 6 weeks that I worked there.

Anyways, I was having lunch with the women who worked there. We will call them Sarah and Catherine. I don't remember how we got on the topic, but I said that I have been hearing strange noises when I'm there alone. Sarah became intrigued and asked me what kind of noises so I told her my experiences. She then told me that strange things have happened to her at this office. Obviously I had to know more so Sarah told me some stories. There is only one story that I can remember accurately so that is the one that I will share:

Sarah told me that was at the office one night by herself as she sometimes does. At one point, She went to the bathroom and when she came out, the chair in Catherine's office was out in the doorway. She told me that she was there alone and she wasn't in any other room besides her office and the bathroom. There was no way for the chair to have moved from the desk to the doorway. Needless to say she got the hell of there real fast.

On a side note, it's interesting that the noises that I heard was coming from Catherine's office too.

From then on I would feel very freaked out when I was there by myself. But nothing out of the ordinary happened. Nothing that couldn't be explained away.

Fast forward to my last day on the job. It was late in the day and I was preparing to go. I took the key to the building off my key chain. I was soon about to bring it to Catherine's sister who worked at one of the next door businesses. I am an incredibly nervous person so I kept the key near me to ensure I wouldn't misplace it. It might seem irrelevant, but keep this detail in mind.

I must have been feeling brave that day because I wanted to have a paranormal experience. Nothing super terrifying. But I was curious and I wanted to know if there was something there. I can't remember if I said to myself or aloud that I wanted to have an experience. But I wanted whatever was there to connect with me somehow.

I took out my cell phone (a flip phone razor 😆) and I started to take pictures. I done this with the hopes of capturing something on my phone. (A real ghost hunter, I am). When I pointed my phone to the lunchroom, I went into a trance. It just felt like I was daydreaming (which is what I thought I was doing) so it wasn't startling. Then, before I came out my trance, a thought was planted into my head which said "the key is gone". It was so strange. It was like before I knew my key was gone, I knew my key was gone and I had to look for it. I shook myself out of this trance and I instantly began to look for my key. It was not in my hands, it was not on my desk, it was not in my purse, it was not in my pockets and I checked all over the floor. It was gone. I even went to the bathroom, took off every piece of clothes and felt it wondering if there was a hole in the seams of my pockets and the key fell into it. Nothing. It was such a bizarre experience.

I was suppose to drop off the key to Catherine's sister who worked in the business next door. She would give the key to Catherine or Sarah when they got back from their meeting.

What was I suppose to tell her? The key vanished into thin air? I didn't tell her all of the story but I did tell he the key disappeared and I had no idea where it went or how it happened. Her reaction was priceless. She was totally nonchalant about it and she told me that things like that happen there all of time and that it would show up eventually.

She was totally right about that. About a week later I came home from school and saw a key laid on top of the banister at my house. It was the key that went missing. I asked my mom where it came from and she told me she found it at the bottom of the laundry basket. I believe that the clothes I wore that day at work were in the basket, but my key was definitely not in any of my pockets. Crazy.

Stories like this scared me a lot when I was younger. Now that I am older and I embrace Spirituality, I realize that having encounters with the "unknown" is a natural part of life. The further I progress in my Spiritual practice, the more experiences I have.

I also want to point out that people who have such experiences often intuitively know when it's something that has a logical explanation versus one that cannot be logically explained. A few people told me that I must have overlooked the key and that I was overthinking the situation. At the time, I was insulted. So if someone confides in you, try to hear them out. With that being said, I understand that these things can make people uncomfortable. So be careful who you share your experiences with 😉.

If you have a story you want to share or you are looking for some advice, hit me up! My email should be in my profile or you can comment below.

Let you know if you want to hear more stories like this. Like this blog and leave a comment. It's so appreciated.


Saturday, 16 September 2017

My Biggest Success | Healing Mentally

I am so very successful. Not because I have a degree, not because I can travel, not because I own nice things.

I am going to tell you my biggest success.

If I asked you what comes to your mind when I say "success", you may think of school, a career, money, a home, a family. That's exactly what I thought. Up to several months ago that is.

I graduated from university with a degree in Psychology and Sociology. I have a career. I bought a new car and I have traveled to California. I can afford to live comfortably. I am blessed to have these experiences and opportunities but they did not make me feel successful. 

I mentioned it in previous blogs, but I I grew up with distressing, intrusive thoughts, compulsive behaviors as well as anxiety and panic attacks.

As a child and young adult, I was desperate to find something to help me. I didn't care what. My life was passing before my eyes and I was stuck in my own thoughts, never in the present moment.

That was my biggest challenge to date. I spent years of my life practicing yoga, meditation, positive thinking and more to put an end to these thoughts.

And my efforts did not go unnoticed. I begun the healing processes and I started to form new thinking patterns even though I didn't really see the results until later. 

My life changed when I began my spiritual journey, studied Psychology and took a leap of faith in my early 20s. I started to heal. I remember feeling excitement and motivation again. My grades improved and I actually enjoyed studying whereas before it was something I avoided as I was unable to get out of my own head space long enough to have some quality study time.

I took on hobbies too. I discovered I am decent at (and more importantly, love) to draw and paint and do other crafty projects. I have fascination for dance. I love studying people while they dance. I often learn choreography to dance routines I like and when I find the right dance class, I plan on joining. I do yoga and meditate on a near daily basis.

For a lot of people, this might not seem like a big deal. You like to spend time at home and draw. So what? But up until several years ago, my mental state prevented me from expressing myself creatively. Having a poor mental state and not having an outlet to express my creative side contributed to a viscous cycle of anxiety and panic. 

Anyways, fast forward several years later. I was having a conversation with my friend and we were on the subject of mental health, our struggles, and what being happy meant to us. It was then I realized what my biggest accomplishment was.

Mentally, I am free. 

I have finally put the demons inside to head to rest. This has allowed light to shine through and a life of freedom to transpire. And when the demons wake (which they sometimes do), I am mentally strong enough to allow them to be there. I accept and embrace them and because of that, I am much less impacted like them.

I see the world differently now. I am the happiest I have been and I know it will only get better. I did this without therapy, drugs, and treatment. (Not that I'm against this options; at the time, I didn't know they were an option for me).

It took a lot of faith, a lot of change, and a lot of work. But it was worth it. And that it my biggest success in life.

Tell me your biggest success.

Please share and subscribe to my blog for more content.


Follow my on Instagram and Twitter. You can find the links to my social media by clicking the icon in the top right hand corner.

Here are links where I discuss more about my mental state and how I healed:

Friday, 8 September 2017

Feeling Lost? You're On Your Way To A Spiritual Transformation

I just wanted to right a quick blog to inspire those who may be feeling lost. It also a gentle reminder to myself that I am exactly where I need to be. 

If you're anything like me, you have your shit together. You know what you want in life and you work to make it happen. You see results and you know that set backs happen for a reason. For the most part, you feel pretty damn good.

Notice I said "for the most part". There are definitely moments when you feel miserable. You wonder if you're on the right track. You question your potential to achieve your goals. You think that past successes were just coincidences. 

If this is you, I really feel for you. I'm in a similar situation now. To be honest, I want to escape. I want to escape this world I'm currently living and find a life where I can live my purpose and be free. A life where I can reach people and talk about things that I'm passionate about without being constrained to a 9-5. 

I have been mostly confident in my ability to achieve this. But I have been doubting myself lately. I'm not seeing the results I would like to see. As a result, I have been looking for other careers and I have applied to go back to school. I know, though, that this will not give me that life style. But I hate feeling "stuck" so those efforts seemed necessary.

But then I am reminded of something. Feeling lost or stuck means you are on your way to a transformation. I don't know where I learned this. I feel like it's something I intuitively know. 

I think it's the universe's way of challenging you. If you keep working on your dream despite feeling discouraged, lacking motivation, or trusting yourself, the universe will take note. 

You need to go through rough patches. You need to be in the dark before you can see the light. It's the way the universe works!

So if you're feeling discouraged, keep moving forward! That is when the magic happens. You have nothing to lose anyways so it's worth the shot.

I hope this blog is inspiring. Feel free to share and subscribe to my blog :)

I'm working this weekend but I should be back Monday or Tuesday with a new one.

Have a great weekend. 


Here is a link to my previous blog:

Related blog:

Looking To Collaborate

Hey guys.

I want to get to know other people with blog niches similar to my own. Ideally, I would like to create a community for new (ish) bloggers to come together to help each other as well as collaborate. I think the best thing we can is to help lift and inspire each other.

I would love to hear and learn from you.

Leave a comment or email me ( if you are interested.

I look forward to hearing from you


Thursday, 7 September 2017

Getting Bullied Because Your Vegan | My Experience & Advice

Going plant-based was more like a calling than a choice. I've talked about that in previous blogs.

It was in 2009 when I decided to stop eating meat. I was so proud of my decision. I was excited to tell my friends and family what I was up to and the information that I have accumulated on this topic.

I thought that my decision was going to cause a ripple effect. People would listen to what I have to say and they would follow suit. Why wouldn't they? There was so much evidence that plant-based diets are the healthiest diets. Plus, we were not slaughtering animals. It was a win-win situation in my opinion.

But I couldn't have been more wrong. Well, that's why I thought at the time.

It was so disappointing the little support and understanding I had from my own friends and family.

Here are some of the comments I received.

"What about the rest of your family? What are we supposed to eat?"

"I told my dad and he told me to tell you not to be so foolish"

"You should eat some meat. It's not healthy to have no meat in your diet"

"You don't eat meat? That's why you're so skinny"

"You're children will grow up to be freaks"

I am not sharing this to demonize these people or to make you feel sorry for me. This is my experience and I choose to share it to help people understand my situation and to help people who may be in a similar position as I was in.

So what would my response be to such comments? Nothing. I would remain silent and avoid eye contact.

I learned rather quickly that not only were people uninterested in what I had to say, they were also offended. I was implying that what they were doing was wrong and that they needed to change. Of course, these people liked to their chicken, steak, and pork and thus they did not want to change.

They wanted me to be wrong. That way they could go about their daily life as they always had. Of course, they couldn't really prove me wrong. So their only option was to become defensive and throw insults at me.

I got the message so I became silent, avoiding the topic at all costs.

I use to feel anger. I would accuse these people of forcing me into silence with their judgments. They were denying my freedom of speech because they did not accept my choice to go plant-based.

But time has passed and I have grown. With that comes a new perception of the situation.

People will not always accept or support your decisions. Even when you know it's a great choice some will not understand. And because they don't understand, they may feel threatened or offended. To make themselves feel better about the situation, they may condemn you or make fun of you.

By all means, keep doing what you're doing and stick up for yourself if you want.

But I think it's best to reserve your words for those who are interested and lead those who don't understand by example. Let me elaborate.

When I say reserve your words for those who are interested, I mean find someone who has a similar interest. That could mean getting involved in programs or clubs or even reaching out to people online. There are tons of people who are involved or interested in this movement. Share your passion with these people. It's a safe and positive interaction because you should be able to find someone who wants to listen to you. You can learn from each other and grow.

When I say lead those who are uninterested by example, I mean to illustrate to these people the benefits of what you are doing. Maybe you lost weight or cleared your skin by going planet-based. Maybe you are so passionate about what you are doing that you are glowing with excitement and energy. Maybe you are getting recognition by some program for your positive influence.

Based on my experience, people will stop throwing comments and insults once they see results. That does not mean that everyone who didn't support me before are now vegans. But some are eating more plants, some are interested in eating more plants, others have admitted that what I'm doing must be working.

So yes, there was a ripple effect. It only became obvious some years later :)

I hope you find this helpful.

And if you are struggling to find someone who understands your food choices, comment or send me an email ( I would be more than happy to chat!

Don't forget to subscribe and share this blog. It would mean so much.


Here is a link to my previous blog:

How To Know If Your An Empath | My Experience

Here are some other food related blogs:

My Calling: A "Plant-Based" Joruney | A Personal Story

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Unhealthy (Again)

If You're Tired Of Treating Acne With Diet... Read This.

Sunday, 3 September 2017

How To Know If Your An Empath | My Experience

Hi everyone. I hope you are doing well.

You may have noticed that I have taken a break from blogging for the past week or so. I could say it was because I was busy with my day job. But the truth was that I lost myself.

No. I didn't get lost while hiking or traveling. What I mean is that I couldn't find my soul. My spirit. My passion. Or whatever you want to call it. So I took a step back from this blog. Not because I wanted to stop writing but because I wanted to be authentic. And for a while I didn't know how to be authentic.

I started doing some research. And when I say research, I actually mean mediation. I looked back at my interests and passions as a child and the Universe did not disappoint.

I don't want to to talk about the epiphany I had or the direction of this blog. But I will say that inspiration came my way.

So for this blog I want to talk to you about something that has been apart of me for my whole life. Something I didn't understand as a child, rejected in my teens, and now embrace as an adult.


A quick Google search will tell you that Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Well, doesn't everyone experience empathy at some point or another? Yes, they do!

But there is much more to Empathy than that. Yes, you take on other people's emotions and feelings. But for some, it is on a much deeper level.

Based on my experience, Empathy is being sensitive to any and all energies.

Maybe you can sense someone's energy before this person even enters the room. You know what they are feeling because you can feel it to. Maybe you take on the physical sensations that another person is experiencing such as headaches and stomach pains. Maybe you can feel the energies of events that happened in the past or future. The list goes on and the possibilities are endless.

I know this may sound a little out there or too magical for some. But I invite you stay with me. Allow your mind to be open as you read on.

It's not easy growing up as an Empath. It's not so bad now. I know my limits and I am much more in tune with my feelings and emotions. It is now something I embrace.

I wish to share with you my experience as an Empath. Not because I want to talk about myself but because I understand how challenging it can be. I wish I had someone explain things to me when I was a young.

I wish to help people who are in a similar position as I was. Or maybe you have a loved one who is Empathic and you want to understand them a little better.

Now I will share with you my experiences as an Empath. If anyone can relate to my stories then you are probably an Empath too. So welcome to the club!

1. I Felt That I Was Weird

And it didn't help that I was often called weird! It was embarrassing watching movies in public. If it was happy or sad, I would cry buckets of tears. If it was scary, I would be paranoid and heightened for days to come.

Being in a room full of people was challenging. I felt anxiety on a daily basis when I was in class. I didn't know it at the time, but it was because I was occupying the same space as 20 plus people. So I was experiencing the energies of all these people. Make no wonder I went home with anxiety and panic attacks.

I was often labeled as being shy. And so I was! But the successful, popular people I grew up with were not shy. They were extroverted, social butterflies. So I would be offended when I was labeled as shy. Also, the shyness was a result of the powerful qualities I possess (empathy, introversion). Being labelled as shy did not help me to explore myself and my talents.

Needless to say, I felt below average growing up. I wasn't a social butterfly, I did not excel in school, and I was definitely not apart of any groups or clubs. I more or less just drifted in my own head space. I had quite the imagination which had both positive and negative implications. The positive being I had a safe space to get lost in. At the time, I liked to play video games, read books, and toys that required using your imagination (like barbies and dolls). I also had an artistic nature so it was pretty common for me to have a burst of inspiration where I would write, draw or paint. The bottom line? I spent a lot of my time alone. And that isn't to make anyone feel bad for me! I didn't realize it at the time either, but I loved spending time by myself.

The bottom line is that I felt very different from my peers. Empaths usually do.

2. I Felt A Responsibility For The Planet

Remember how I said that Empathic people are sensitive to energies? Well this doesn't mean that they are exclusively sensitive to the energies of other people.

Growing up, and to this day, I felt like I needed to make a difference to the planet and it's animals. I was naturally drawn to eco-friendly alternatives and conservation. I felt a need to explore vegetarianism and veganism. No documentaries were required. It is an innate quality I possess, I guess.

Eating a meatless diet is a part of who I am and I feel very strongly about it.

I wrote an article about my calling to go vegetarian that I will link here.

3. I Always Felt Scared

I was told that I had an overactive imagination. And I believed that to be true as it helped me to feel less afraid.

I often thought I saw things in the corner of my eye. I often thought I heard whispering outside my bedroom window. I often thought I could hear the television when it was turned off.

I embraced this as a child. But when I got older I learned that it wasn't "normal" to see or hear things that weren't there. This made me worried I was either seeing a ghost or going crazy.

Well, Empaths are also sensitive to energies outside of the physical world too. And when I realized this, it brought to light a lot of experiences I had as a child.

This is still a concept that is relatively new to me and I understand some people may have a hard time accepting and understanding it. But I do believe there is a spirit realm. What it contains I have no idea. Maybe it's spirits, spirit guides, or residual energy of past events. But I do believe there are energies that we cannot experience with our 5 senses. Those who are Empathic, though, may be able to pick up on these energies.

But these experiences were frightening as a child. And I'm not going to lie... they can be frightening as an adult! But now that I understand and accept these experiences, I am more intrigued than afraid. How many people can say that they have experiences with the spirit realm? That's pretty cool.

4. I Am Sensitive To Stimuli

This one is pretty basic, but I am very sensitive to bright lights, loud sounds, and harsh smells. I rarely use ceiling lights. Sometimes I actually feel like I need to use a blind to cover my eyes. Harsh smells especially scents of chemicals and perfumes make me feel like I'm choking. I am very reactive to loud, sudden sounds. I thought it was because I just startled easily!

I guess that is sort of true. But when you think about it, if Empaths are highly sensitive to energies, their baseline for how much stimuli they can tolerate is probably lower compared to less Empathetic individuals.

5. I realize I have A Gift To Share With The World

Like artists, dancers, and songwriters, being Empathic is a gift and talent that can be shared with the world. There are an endless amount of careers you can have that require Empathy. I am choosing a a nontraditional route by sharing my experience as an Empath via blogging.

If you feel that you can help people on a very deep level, you are probably an Empathy too.

That is it for my list. I hope you find it interesting and I hope it sheds some light on the topic. If you have any questions regarding Empathy, let me know in the comments. And please subscribe to Confessions of an Awakened Youth and share this article. It would mean a lot :)

You can also expect more blogs about Empathy. I have been very inspired lately!

I am sending positive vibes your way.


Here is a link to my previous blog:
A Cause Of Anxiety No One Talks About | Your Intuition

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

A Cause Of Anxiety No One Talks About | Your Intuition

I was shopping yesterday and I overheard a conversation between two people. I'm not sure exactly what they were talking about but the woman said something along the lines of this: Listening to my intuition was a skill I needed to learn. It was challenging and it took some time for me to learn how to listen to my gut feeling.

That struck me as odd. I grew up with an intuition so strong that it felt like it was pulling me in a certain direction. I can't quit explain the feeling. It just exists within me, I guess.

But this got me thinking about my own experiences of following (or not following) my intuition. I started to see a common thread.

A few months back, me and my friend made plans for a road trip. Just a few days before we were suppose to leave, I worked a 48 hour shift which left me one day to prepare for a wedding and our trip. The next day was a family wedding and the day after that me and my friend were scheduled to leave.

I got up that morning to pack. I knew I didn't want to go. I knew I was exhausted. But I started packing anyways. I began to have a panic attack. I felt overcome, sick stomach, my heart started to race. All I wanted to do was climb in bed and cry.

I knew what I needed to do. I texted my friend and told her that I could not this. Fortunately she understood and went on without me. Upon cancelling my plans, my anxiety immediately lifted. I felt energized and exhilarated.

I'm not sure why but I was compelled to stay home that day. I don't know if it was because, as an extreme introvert, my body, mind, and soul was craving downtime. Or if it was because I needed to do something else such as work on my blog. Or if I was sensing a bad situation by going on that road trip. The possibilities are endless and I will probably never know.

The anxiety I experienced in that moment let me know full well what I ought to do. There was no second thoughts. No questioning the situation. I knew I needed to cancel my plans and I did just that.

This isn't my first time with this experience though. I remember me and my boyfriend were trying to decide between two apartments. One apartment was cheaper and more modern than the other. So it was kind of a no-brainer. We went with the cheaper, nicer looking apartment. I called the landlord and I told him I would be by with the damage deposit.

After the call, I had feelings of anxiety. That apartment, the landlord, or something else did not sit well with me. And I couldn't get the other apartment out of my head. I called my boyfriend in a state of panic and I explained the situation. I told him the idea of signing the lease gave me anxiety and made me feel stuck. He said "well, let's go with the other one then". My anxiety subsided after that.

My intuition does not always present itself as anxiety though. Sometimes it's just a feeling of knowing.

I do believe that everyone has a strong intuition. But I think a lot of people have become disconnected from themselves which results in them not understanding why they are experiencing certain sensations and feelings.

And I believe episodes of anxiety can often be the result of people not listening to their intuition.

I don't have any advice on how to become more in tune with yourself. This is because I never actively sought out how I should do that. But I know that I have done things which have certainly contributed to me understanding myself more. I will look into this further and share another time.

Right now, the only thing I want you to understand is that you do have a gut instinct. Everybody does. And if you have seemingly random episodes of panic or anxiety, there is a possibility you are not listening to your intuition.

Let me know what you guys think. Are you naturally intuitive? Or is this something that you have to work on?

Thanks for reading. And please share with someone you think could benefit from this :)


Here is a link to my previous blog:

What To Do When You Feel Jealous | Fast & Easy Way To Stop Feeling Jealous

More on anxiety:

Why You Will Never Be Completely Free Of Anxiety

Instant Cure For Anxiety | Quick Tip Entry # 4

Monday, 21 August 2017

What To Do When You Feel Jealous | Fast & Easy Way To Stop Feeling Jealous

You can't be happy for others until you are happy for yourself.

It's so hard sometimes. It seems that your peers, friends, and family are always one step ahead of you. Your friend is getting married while you're just falling in love. Your sister bought her first home while you're only now establishing your career. Your cousin is making a career off his art work while you just enrolled in beginners dance lessons.

You find yourself feeling jealousy towards those who seem to be ahead of you. You struggle with coming to terms with this and your jealousy transpires into resent. You feel disgusted with yourself.

I don't know about you, but I want to be the type of person to feel happy for other's successes. And usually I do! But I am only human and I have imperfect moments. That's OK though. It means I still need to keep searching to understand myself a little better. And I love learning new things about myself.

I had an off day today. I felt bitterness and jealousy which left me in an emotional state. I don't like that feeling so I had to center myself. I mediated. And I came to the realization that we cannot feel happy for others when we are not happy for ourselves. When we are happy for ourselves, then we can feel happy for others.

But isn't that egocentric? Well... yes and no. We really need to learn to love and be happy for ourselves first and foremost. That's part of self love and it's crucial for our well-being. At the same time, we shouldn't just feel happy for other's when we have something that makes us look "equal to" or "better than" someone. Do you get what I'm saying? First, we need to learn to be truly happy and proud of ourselves first. Then, we can learn to be truly happy for others. I have some steps to help you on this journey.

1. Acknowledge That You Feel Jealous

I do not believe in suppressing emotions. Even negative ones. We are human and we reserve the right to feel every emotion and feeling there is. (I wrote a blog on that which I will link below). Acknowledge to yourself that you feel jealous. There is no shame in that. It happens to all of us.

2. Ask Yourself Why Your Are Jealous

Avoid superficial answers and dig a little deeper. Are you jealous your friend is getting married because you are not satisfied with your partner? Are you jealous that your sister is making a career from her art because it reminds you of your failed attempts at publishing your book?

3. Center Yourself

For me today, I centered myself through meditation. I closed my eyes and focused on my breath for 30 minutes. Meditation comes in many forms. It can be a walk or coloring. Just ensure that you are in the present moment and self-aware.

4. Do What You Do Best

In times like this, consuming (TV, media) can make you feel worse. Instead, produce! Do whatever you're good at or whatever you enjoy.

5. Don't Be Hard On Yourself

Forgive yourself for feeling jealousy. It does not make you a bad person. And remember  that comparing different people is like comparing apples to oranges. It doesn't make sense. The only person you can compare yourself to is you.

I hope this article finds you well.

Let me know what kind of blogs your interested in. I'm open to suggestions :)

Here is a link to my previous article:
My Calling: A "Plant-Based" Joruney | A Personal Story

And another relevant blog:
How To Deal With Negative Emotions

Thursday, 17 August 2017

My Calling: A "Plant-Based" Joruney | A Personal Story

Some days I'm vegan. Other days I'm a vegan eating organic, raw honey. On less frequent occasions, I eat wild caught fish and free run eggs.

I worry sometimes that I'm not doing it right, so I eat fish and diary. Sometimes I have cravings and I eat a non-vegan chocolate bar.

The point is that I'm not perfect nor is my diet perfect. And that's why I don't like labels such as "vegan". They're too rigid. But one thing that is definitely true is that my diet is plant-based. So that is typically what I call myself with regards to my food choices. I wanted to clarify that before I discuss my food journey.

Up until the age of 19, I never questioned what I ate. I never wondered where this piece of chicken came from. If it was treated humanely. If it felt scared or pain when it was killed. Well... I never thought of it enough to stop eating it.

In my early teens, I started to care more about the environment and being more natural. I tried to be as eco-friendly as possible. I started to remove toxic, non-organic products out of my belongings and replace them with more natural alternatives.

I don't know where this interest came from. It just became part of who I was.

I remember it was December 2009 and I wanted Plant Earth for Christmas. It's a collection of DVD's that documents animals across the globe. I can't remember the date, but it was early December and I was watching the trailer for Plant Earth.

While I was watching it, I was in awe. This world and the organisms that inhabit it are so beautiful. Beautiful enough to make a successful documentary about. Yet, people are destroying the world. Organisms are going extinct, toxins and pollution are taking over, and we are killing and consuming these beautiful animals.

"I have to stop eating meat", was my next thought.

I still find it strange. To this day, I feel like this wasn't a conscious decision. It was more like a calling. I am meant to do this and the time is now. I was in a trance, I was moved, and I was emotional. I will never forget that moment.

So for the next week, I didn't eat meat. The problem though, is that I got hungry. I had a diet of poptarts, mac and cheese, chicken nuggets and hot dogs. What the hell do I eat?

So I started to ween. For the next... I want to say couple of years, I only ate poultry, fish, eggs and diary. I also started to eat more grains, fruits, and vegetables.

I was OK with this lifestyle. I thought that would be my diet for the first of my life. But a couple years later, I came across a documentary where I learned that poultry are the most abused animals on the planet.

And that was it. I could no longer eat poultry. I haven't since.

About 3 or 4 years ago, I have been dabbling around in keeping diary and eggs off of my plate. The past couple years I have been eating a diet high in raw fruits and vegetables.

I mentioned in the beginning of this blog that I still sometimes eat fish, diary and eggs. I don't stress about it. My body lets me know when I am ready to take it the next level. And I am a firm believer in taking things to the next level. Especially when it involves your health and the well-being of the planet and its animals.

I remember a couple of years ago, I hit a plateau. I felt tired all of the time. No matter how many healthy foods I ate, I could not get that life back into me. I started to obsess that it was due to not eating meat. So, one day when I was at the mall with my mom, I bought my usual pad thai but this time I added beef. I told my mom why I had beef on my plate. She seemed happy and supportive. Much more supportive than when I told her I wasn't going to eat meat anymore which was disappointing.

So, I ate the food and held back tears the whole time. It might sound so silly to some people but I couldn't get the image of a slaughtered cow with her baby looking at her out of my head. I felt sick to my stomach. And no matter how many times my mom told me I was being ridiculous, the rest of my day was ruined. I ate what was once a living being in order to make myself feel better. I was disgusted with myself.

That was the first and last time I tried eating meat. I really couldn't do it. So why was I feeling tired all of the time? I never looked at the fact that I hated my job. Or that I had graduated with a degree and I couldn't find a career. Or that I stopped expressing myself creatively.

Without me really realizing it, I made some changes. I started writing, drawing, and painting. I finally found a career and I was able to quit my job. I haven't plateaued since.

But keeping meat off of my plate is more than just a decision that I made 8 years ago. It's more than the latest trend. It is more than my health. Being plant-based is my calling. It is part of who I am and it is a deeply spiritual component of my life. Probably the strongest spiritual component of them all.
And I'm pretty confident when I say that it will be this way for the rest of my life. I may never be a purist, but I will never eat meat again.

My plant-based story and journey is very personal. I don't share this with a lot of people. But I had an epiphany a little while ago. To reach people, to be heard, you need to be raw and authentic. You need to talk about the parts of your life that are difficult to share.

I have a lot more on this topic that I can share such as my health, people's reactions, and I how I coped with that. I plan on sharing them soon.

I hope you find this blog inspiring and I hope it helps you understand me a little better. Let me know your thoughts on the topic. I just ask that we respect one another :)


Here is a link to my previous blog:

How To Get Inspired Instantly | Quick Tip Entry # 6

Another Food Related Blog:

What I Ate Today (As A Struggling Vegan)

Monday, 14 August 2017

How To Get Inspired Instantly | Quick Tip Entry # 6

This is day 3 of not doing much. In one way, I earned it. After all, I worked 72 hours in four days. A few days to veg out will do me good.

But at the same time,  I don't want to waste time. I have the week to myself and then it's back to work for another week and then I'm going on a road trip. I have a blog to write and promote, languages I want to study, and choreography I want to learn. And none of this is going to happen on its own.

I was waiting for inspiration. But at the same time, I believe in making our own inspiration... but I wasn't feeling inspired. LOL! And so the cycle ensued.

But alas, inspiration finally came my way!

I was watching YouTube videos. This man I was watching has a successful channel where he makes food into art. He travels, he speaks several languages, he paints, he does yoga, he does pottery, he plays musical instruments... and I'm sure the list goes on.

I remember thinking that he definitely does not spend nearly as much time consuming as he does producing. And why would he? There is so many things out there for us to learn and do. We are not going to be on Earth forever. Time is precious.

So I turned off my electronics and did yoga and spent about an hour practicing choreography. And now I'm writing my blog.

So what's my advice to you?

Yes. Take time off. But at the same time, be careful not to tip the scales too far in that direction. Pay attention to how many hours that day you spent consuming (i.e.; video games, TV, social media, shopping, etc.). How many other things could you have done in that time? And when it's the end a milestone, will you be OK with the amount of time you spent consuming?

Be mindful of where you put your energy. Your life is precious. Make the most of it.

I hope this helps and I'll write again soon. (Wednesday, fingers crossed!)


Here is a link to my previous blog:
8 Benefits Of Eating Fruit

And here is another related blog:
How To Stay Motivated | Quick Fix Entry # 1

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

8 Benefits Of Eating Fruit

My last blog was food-related. More specifically, it was about how eating fruit can combat cravings.

Fruit it a major part of my diet and I have benefited from it so much by having it as a staple in my diet.

Everyone knows that fruit is good for you. But a lot of people struggle with the idea of sugar. If a chocolate bar is so bad for you due to the high amount of sugar, how is a banana any different?

There are a few things we should look at.

Number 1. There are a lot of other harmful ingredients in chocolate bars and other processed sugary foods. They are high in fat, low in nutrients, and they contain processed, refined sugar.

Fruit on the other hand, is natures candy. Full of vitamins and minerals and healthy carbs to keep you fueled.

Number 2. We need to listen to our bodies and not the latest diet trends in the media. We need to focus on how we feel.

I will now share the changes that happened in my body when I started eating more fruit.

1. Your Digestion Will Improve

A lot of people are under the assumption that it's normal to go to the bathroom once a day or every other day. But this isn't true. Eating more fruit will help you with elimination. It will be easier, take a shorter amount of time, and be more frequent.

2. Hello Abs!

Our bodies are 70-80% diet. Why not make the most of your ab exercises by eating more fruit? Because you're going to the bathroom more often, you will lose that excess belly fat and bloat. Your abs will shine through!

3. You Will Be Hydrated

It's important to drink lots of water. Everyone knows that. Fruit naturally has a high water content so you will find yourself needing to go to the bathroom much more. Extra hydration for the win!

4. Your Skin May Clear

Because you are going to the bathroom more frequently, you are eliminating toxins from your body. This can result in clearer skin.

When I tried eating exclusively fruit during the day, my skin cleared lovely.

5. No More Fatigue

I use to always feel fatigued by mid afternoon. I thought that was normal. When I started eating a high fruit lunch, the fatigue went away and it was replaced by energy and a good mood.

6. You Will Power Through Your Workouts

I don't believe in forcing ourselves through a workout if we don't have the energy. So how do we get the energy? By eating more fruit of course! Don't under estimate the amount of energy this can give you. Especially when you eat enough calories. You will have so much energy to burn that you will want to work out.

7. Your Food Cravings Will Subside

I discuss this in my previous blog which I will link here for more information.

8. You Get To Eat Ice Cream For Lunch

Or anytime of the day. My favorite is to blend frozen bananas, mango and chocolate powder. I add chopped dates and some nuts. If that wouldn't put you in a good mood, I don't know what will.

This is based on my own experience so I would recommend you to do your research and pay attention to your body.

Has anyone else tried this? What changes have you noticed?

Take care,


Here's a blog about how I achieved clear skin:

If You're Tired Of Treating Acne With Diet... Read This!

Monday, 7 August 2017

How To Stop Cravings Instantly! | Quick Tip Entry # 5

Before we get into this blog... I know. I have been writing a lot of short blogs lately. I decided to increase the days I upload at the same time my work hours increased by about 30 hours a week. So a lot is happening.

I am working on longer entries but I don't want to publish them for the sake of having a longer blog here and there.

I'll find balance soon. Patience and perseverance is key.

 So... on to today's blog.

I wanted to talk about food.

I believe in the power of a healthy diet. I believe we are designed to feel happy and healthy and a pristine diet is one of the most crucial ways to achieve that.

I can't really preach though because my diet isn't perfect. I have cravings and I give in to them a lot. Personally, I find that giving into one craving starts a downward spiral of more cravings.

When I eat junk food, or food with little nutritional value, it doesn't matter how much I eat, I still don't feel full.Well, my stomach feels full but I can't stop eating.

I believe that's because the food is empty calories. They fill your stomach but it doesn't satisfy you in a cellular level. Every cell in your body needs and craves nutrition and that's why we still want more food despite having full stomachs. You keep craving more junk food (because it tastes good, it's comforting, and psychologically and physically addictive) and the cycle ensues.

I remember a couple of years ago I decided to trying eating a mostly raw vegan diet. I ate a plethera of fruit during the day and for supper I would have a cooked meal of pasta, stir fry, potatoes with little to no oil (I'll link a YouTube video for more info). I aimed to eat 2000 calories a day.

Something amazing happened when I did this.

I no longer had cravings. I wasn't just using will power of feeling strong. I had no desire to eat junk food after my meals and in the night. For the first time in my life, I felt satisfied.

It was a liberating experience. I recall feeling emotional. It was so nice to not have my cravings and hungry influenced by the "food" industry.

Last night I was having a craving for the cheesiest, refined carbed supper I could conjure up. I didn't eat right away though which gave me time to think. I realized that for these cravings to end, I need to properly fuel my body. And that it was up to me to make that choice.

So I made a smoothie. Two bananas, mango, wheat grass blend, protein powder. Yes, my cravings stopped. I felt great and I ended up completely an intense yoga practice.

So, my advice to satisfy cravings? Eat lots of calories from fruit and don't forget about your veggies

I hope this helps. And please don't be hard on yourself if make a mistake. It's all a learning process.


Here's a link to my last blog:

Instant Cure For Anxiety

And another food related blog here:

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Unhealthy (Again)

Follow my social medias!

Instagram: the.awakened.youth
Twitter: Awakened_Youth1

Learn more about a mostly raw diet here:

How To Eat Raw Food Until Dinner

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Instant Cure For Anxiety | Quick Tip Entry # 4

It seems that everyone deals with anxiety nowadays. And for good reason.

We live in a faced paced society. We are more connected with electronics than each other. Our diet isn't the best. We are living to please other people (i.e.; our boss, spouse, parents, etc).

These are a lot of things to change. It could take months or years. And maybe some people can't (or won't) change them.

That's OK. For now, I have an easy and instant solution for anxiety.

Odds are, you're feeling anxiety because of something that may happen. You're thinking about work the next day. You're worried about your exam next month. You're nervous about Tuesday's presentation.

It's OK to feel anxiety over these things. It means you care. If you had a neutral reaction, you may not prepare for your exam or show up for work!

But anxiety is still not a nice feeling. Especially when it keeps you from living in the present moment...

I think I hit the nail on the head that time. "It keeps you from living in the present moment".

My response to that? Put yourself in the present moment. Turn off electronics and get rid of distractions. Sit down and really put all your attention on what is happening right now. The sounds, sights, taste, smells, and feels (LOL). Tell yourself that you are in the present moment.

It takes some practice. You may feel a little uncomfortable at first. But once you really grasp what it means to be in the present moment and do it on a regular basis, you will start to feel better.

For me, it feels like my anxiety instantly disappears. It may come back again a little while, but I'll just bring myself back to the present again. :)

And remember. Just because it doesn't work the first time doesn't mean that it will never work. It's a practice. Keep at it.


Check out the link to my past previous:

Easy Way To Overcome Difficult Times

If you're interested in learning more about anxiety, check out the following links:

Why You Will Never Be Completely Free Of Anxiety

Does Your Job Give You Anxiety? Don't Distract Yourself... Do This Instead!

Friday, 28 July 2017

Easy Way To Overcome Difficult Times | Quick Tip Entry #3

Fridays are the perfect time for my "quick tip" blogs.

For those of you who are struggling in your relationships, depressed about your job, dealing with pain and loss, or are feeling stuck or confused.

I want to know that there are lessons we must learn. And I believe that we will get to the light at the end of the tunnel once these lessons have been understood.

I've mentioned before that I often work 48 hour shifts. It's hard to be away from home and the job itself can be stressful. The day before my shift I have anxiety. I'm thinking about work the next day. I'm going through the routine in my head and how I will respond if this or that happens.

I realize now that my anxiety is stemming from not being in the present moment and that I spend way too much of my time thinking about the future and the past.

I believe that one of the lessons my job is teaching me is to be present and to let go of things that are out of my control.

Just writing that brings me so much peace.

Once these lessons are learned and accepted, then we can move forward.

What life lessons have you learned recently? I would love to hear from ya.

I hope you have a great weekend, even if you do have to work... especially if you have to work! :)


Check out the following links for more "quick tip" blogs:

How To Stay Motivated

A Quick Fix For When You're Tired

Check out my previous blog by clicking the link below:

Easy Way To Overcome Fear Of Failure

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Easy Way To Overcome Fear Of Failure | Why "Failure" Does Not Exist

Hi everyone,

I'm excited to announce that this blog was written as a challenge with James from Manifesto Of Perfection. His blog focuses on self-improvement, fitness, and careers. You can check out his website here:

For this challenge, James and I decided to write on how to overcome fear of failure. We are both writing our own opinion on this topic based on our life experiences.

I hope you enjoy it. And don't forget to check out James' take on overcoming fear of failure. I will leave a link to his blog at the end of mine.


How To Overcome Fear Of Failure | Why "Failure" Does Not Exist 

I often wonder how many people out there are not living their dreams because they are afraid of failing.

I also think back to my past. I have received several letters of rejection from university programs, failed tests that I studied so hard for, job interviews that I did not pass. Even now. My blog is very small despite the fact I have been blogging consistently for about 4 months now.

But you know what? I have never failed.

That previous statement probably doesn't make sense to you. I can see the wheels in your head turning. Ang, you just said you failed tests and you did not make it into certain programs. Well, failure does not exist in my vocabulary. I'll explain why via examples.

Let's say you are a new dancer. You know the choreography off by heart but you struggle with spins. You place your feet this way and that way and yet you keep tripping, slipping or it just looks awkward. Maybe you give up because you think you failed.

But this was not failure. It's called learning. You learned all the ways not to do spins in order to discover the correct way to do them.

Here is another example. I care for kids who have experienced trauma. I am trained to deal with outbursts, melt downs, and potentially dangerous behaviors. This use to give me anxiety. What if I tell a child it's time for bed and they yell at me and smash the TV? This would mean that I failed at my job, right?

But this is so far from the truth. An outburst does not mean the worker failed. Rather, these outburst are what we call an opportunity. An opportunity to learn more about this young person, their history, and their triggers. From that, we can develop a plan to try to lessen these outbursts. And there is never a guarantee that any plan will work. We can only try.

I'm going to go really deep with this last example to illustrate why failure does not exist.

You and your partner of 5 years have been having a really hard time. You have been doing everything you can to hold onto your relationship but despite your best efforts, it falls apart. You feel like you failed. You done everything you could but it did not work. Maybe this isn't your first failed relationship so you feel even worse.

Then with the passing of time your heart mends you fall in love again. This time you guys are married with children after several years and you're the happiest you have ever been. When one door closes another opens. There is a reason that saying exists.

After writing these examples I'm starting to see a common thread. "Failure" is an opportunity.

An opportunity to learn.

An opportunity to grow.

An opportunity to discover something even better.

In April of 2017 I applied for a masters program at my local university. Despite meeting and excelling all the requirements, I still got rejected. Sure, I got upset. But it was short lived because I knew there was a reason for it.

And now I'm here. Writing blogs on my days off. And I enjoy this so much more than being confined to a classroom.

Now I want you to do a little exercise. I want you think of a time that you "failed". It could be anything. How did you react? How did you feel? Did the world end? And now, most importantly: What did you gain from this experience? You may need to think hard and dive a little deep.

If you really can't think of anything, I'm sorry to tell you but you are not living your life to your fullest potential. And you deserve to live your life to the fullest.

So I encourage you do so. Apply to that university, enroll in singing lessens, book that vacation, ask that special person on a date.

There is nothing to lose but you have everything gain. And in the end, the only thing you will regret is not trying at all. Cliched? Maybe. But it's very true.

Thank you for your time.

I hope this blog finds you well and inspires you.


And don't forget to check out James' blog:

Check out my previous blog here:

If you're prepared to take chances but scared of moving out of your comfort zone, read this:

Sunday, 23 July 2017

What To Do When You Feel Tired | Quick Tip Entry #2

Today I was really looking forward to practicing a new dance routine I recently learned. After about 30 minutes of practice, I started to feel a little tired and unmotivated.

This is something I always struggled with. If you're feeling tired or unmotivated, do you force yourself? Do you force yourself through a work out when your body is exhausted and your feeling really tired? Do you force yourself to keep studying even though you feel burned out?

Here's the motto I live by: Push yourself if, and only if, you feel empowered to do so.

We need to be kind to our bodies. We all live different, busy lives. We may work, we may have children, we may have a crappy diet, we may have insomnia. The list goes on.

Sometimes I have the energy to power through a dance routine or an exercise. Even when I feel tired, I still feel like I have more energy to spend. So I do.

However, other times I don't feel that way for any number of reasons. So I don't.

So what do you do instead?

1. You can do something else! Right now, I'm blogging. Equally productive but it does not require a lot of physical energy.

2. Nourish your body. Drink lots of water and eat real, clean foods. Especially fruit. The natural sugars in the fruit will give you lots of energy.

3. Take a day off. Really rest and relax. Watch your favorite shower, take a nap, get a massage. Whatever you want to do.

I hope that this blog finds you well. I also hope this blog inspires you to be kind to your body. It deserves a break.


Check out my previous blog here:

Minimalism Guide #1 | 30 Days Of No Shopping

Here is another "Quick Fix" blog:

How To Stay Motivated | Quick Fix Entry #1

How To Increase Your Frequency

Hey guys. I hope this blog finds you well. Today I am writing about how to raise your vibrational frequency. If you are unsure what this me...